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Top 3 Performing Arts High Schools in Los Angeles for Teen Actors

Looking for the right Performing Arts Schools can be a challenge, especially in Los Angeles where there are an abundance of great schools to educate yourself or your children in the Performing Arts.

Here are 3 of the top Performing Arts Schools in LA that I highly recommend!

Before we dive in...

I do NOT receive any sort of commission from these listed performing arts schools. It takes detailed research and planning to find the right Performing Arts School that fits your needs.

Need coaching, audition prep, or help finding a Performing Arts School that suits you?

Schedule an hour on Zoom with me to help you get into the school of your dreams! My Career Consultations provide all the support you need, and so much more.

And now, without further ado here are the Top 3 Performing Arts Schools in LA:

1. Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA)

LA County High School for the Arts is a specialized, tuition-free public school open to aspiring young artists throughout Los Angeles County.

Combining college-preparatory academic instruction with conservatory-style training in the visual and performing arts, LACHSA provides a unique high school experience for those who know they were born to create.

LACHSA holds many different types of showcases and opportunities for their students, including a fourth year monologue showcase, musical theatre showcase, and the Moondance Film Festival. These are only a few of the programs that they school offers to showcase the talents and give experience to their students.

The application process for LACHSA is taken into three steps. Online applications are open for submission between the months of November and February, which include a personal statement as well as a letter of recommendation. The second step of the process is to upload your grades from the previous calendar year, as well as a pre-screen video or portfolio (if required). Lastly, auditions will be held in March and decision letters will be received by April. Some of the general requirements to apply consist of being a rising 9th or 10th grade in the upcoming school year and having a 2.0 GPA or higher in the previous academic Fall grading period.

LACHSA is located at 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles CA 90032. They can be contacted through phone, 323-343-2550, or through email, You can also fill out their contact form on their website, where you can also learn more about the school and their programs.

2. Los Angeles High School of the Arts (LAHSA)

Los Angeles High School of the Arts fosters a rich academic and artistic community inspiring our students to be independent, cooperative young adults who meet challenges with creativity and determination.

Through the performing and technical theatre arts, LAHSA students will become active and articulate leaders in their personal and professional lives.

LAHSA's major program is the Senior Defense, which is an end of the year cumulative assessment of an individual's journey through education, life, and adversity. The Senior Defense must include three pieces of work to best reflect their change over time, one of which must be drawn from their Performing Arts concentration: Design or Performance. Satisfactory completion of the defense is often the final requisite a LAHSA Senior clears to allow them to walk the stage for graduation.

LAHSA is a non-auditioned neighborhood theatre arts high school serving grades 9 through 12. Most students live in the RFK Zone of Choice, a geographic area surrounding the RFK Community Schools. For students who live outside the RFK Zone of Choice, LAHSA may provide Open Enrollment.

LAHSA is located at 333 S. Beaudry Ave. 11th Fl.,Los Angeles, CA 90017. They can be contacted through phone, (213) 480-4600 or you can fill out their contact form on their website, where you can also learn more about the school and their programs.

3. Ramon C. Cortines High School of Visual and Performing Arts (Grand Arts High School)

Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts is a dual-mission high school dedicated to providing aspiring artists and scholars with an academically rigorous pre-college curriculum and a comprehensive, four-year pre-conservatory arts program.

Their mission is to provide an exemplary arts and academic educational experience to students who have a passion for the arts, are culturally and socioeconomically diverse and hail from across all of Los Angeles.

Grand Arts High School hosts a Spring Musical as well as other showcases and events in their Concert Hall as well as the Black Box theatre. Their students have also seen success on local and national competitions. However, due to the current pandemic the school has postponed any live showcases.

Grand Arts High School is a Belmont Zone of Choice school; however, they also admit students from outside the Belmont Zone based on seat availability. Grand Arts High School is a non-auditioned visual and performing arts magnet school that is part of LAUSD.

Grand Arts High School is located at 450 N. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90012. They can be contacted through phone, (213) 217-8600. To learn more about the school, their programs, as well as the application process please visit their website.

Need help with finding a Performing Arts School that suits you?

Schedule an hour on Zoom with me to help you get into the school of your dreams! My Career Consultations provide all the support you need, and so much more.

Last, like with any important investment, I also recommend you do your due diligence to research and compare your options and consider each schools programs, requirements, location, faculty, reviews, etc..

I hope you find success with your search for a Performing Arts School!

-Walid Chaya

Director-Actor & Creative Consultant


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