Andante Petit-Homme has SIGNED with BAC Talent Management!
Khalil LeSaldo has SIGNED with BAC Talent Management!
Actor Testimonial "LA Monologue & Song Slam" Thomas Haranhan as Participant
Jocelyne Cordero has a MEETING with Marilyn Atlas Management!
Azriel Lewis has a request from HRI Talent Agency!
Jonas Woolverton has three MEETINGS, with Lemon-Lime Agency, Skyfire Artists & CAP Mgmt.!
Mikayla Lew has SIGNED with HRI Talent Agency!
Domenic Jungling has SIGNED with Luxe Talent Agency!!
Bryndan Lewis has SIGNED with Eris Talent Agency!
Patrick Martinsen has SIGNED with Luxe Talent Agency!
Maher Aghnim has SIGNED with Eris Talent Agency!
Aline Humbert has SIGNED with Luxe Talent Agency!
Maher Aghnim has a MEETING with Eris Talent Agency!
Lori Morrissey has SIGNED with Tangerine Talent Agency!
Curt Gavin has a MEETING with Luxe Talent Agency!
Saalika Khan has a MEETING with Ellen Meyer Management!
Sheryl Kendall has a MEETING with Eris Talent Agency!
Javier van Boren has a MEETING with Luxe Talent Agency!
Deborah Mesa has a MEETING with Luxe Talent Agency!
Tayeb Jasoor has BOOKED a play with The Inkwell Theater!