"This enchanting play is part of their acclaimed "Applause! Performance Arts Summer Camps," co-produced with the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA). The excitement is building as the show is set to take the stage on Friday, August 11th, at 3:15pm, at the Providence REC studio in Falls Church, VA." -BroadwayWorld
"The staged production is by the visionary Camps Director, Samantha Jalajel, a team of talented individuals has come together to bring this magical story to life. The production is workshopped at different locations and led by the creative team including Jacki Esguerra, Laura Swilley, Melinda Goldfedder, Jordan Essex, Roland Lamoureux, Georgia Orfanides, and Cameron Noel at the helm, and a young cast of performers aged 7-14 will showcase their incredible talents.
As the Artistic Director & Founder of Moonlit Wings Productions, Walid Chaya expresses his dedication to creating meaningful entertainment that reflects the diversity of our communities. The upcoming TV Pilot adaptation in development is a testament to their commitment to inclusivity and providing young talents with opportunities to shine.
Moonlit Wings Productions has a rich history of championing colorful content for the stage and screen, alongside educational programs that celebrate multicultural, gender-diverse, and musical stories. Their outstanding contributions have garnered nominations and awards worldwide, making them a leader in arts education and performance."