11:45am PT July 20 | Perform & meet 3 Talent Agents/Mgmt then link with Walid for a 1-on-1 consult
Meet 3 Film/TV Agents & Mgmt. on June 20, 2024 at LA Rep Showcase

The Lounge on Melrose
7551 Melrose Ave (Studio A)
Hollywood, CA
Are you seeking theatrical representation for film and television roles? Or feedback on your personal branding and type?
This two-part package includes an in-person acting showcase with four talent reps and a personalized online career consultation with Walid Chaya.
Meet and perform for top agents/management at our next Film & TV Showcase in West Hollywood:
★ Tanya Kleckner (HRI Talent Agency)
★ Kevin Turner (Daniel Hoff Agency)
★ Ryan Luevano (Skyfire Artists Mgmt.)
✭ DATE ✭
Saturday, July 20th at 11:45am PT
★ Prepare a film or television scene of your choice (no longer than 2 minutes) featuring a character similar to your age, type, and personality. If you need assistance selecting a scene, please contact us in advance.
★ Please print and bring two copies of your scene, one for yourself and one highlighted for your scene partner. A "reader" will be provided for you to perform with, followed by individualized feedback with each special guest.
★ After completing this showcase, you'll receive an email to schedule a 20-minute online 'Career Checkup' over Zoom with acting coach Walid Chaya. During your consultation, you'll recap the key takeaways from the showcase and develop strategic approaches to enhance your acting career.
☆ Space is very limited and line-up is subject to change. ☆
Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from three different talent reps, and make successful career moves, book now!
To view the current schedule visit studioforperformingarts.com.
