Are you impressing casting? Put your best foot forward and boost your chances for booking the job with an online or in-person session.
Walid Chaya's previous clients have appeared in commercials, major films and television shows for networks such as ABC, NBC, FOX, HBO, CW, Hulu, Disney, Netflix and more.
​COACHING: ★ Audition prep
★ On-set coaching
★ In-home coaching
★ College auditions
★ Walid as your acting coach and reader
★ 30 or 60 minute sessions
★ Lightning/tripod/camera set-up
★ Available in-studio and for home visits
Available online and in Los Angeles at Walid's studio as well as for house calls by appointment.
For more information, please visit and follow @walid.chaya and @studioforperformingarts on Instagram.